CHARLES RIDGELY, (of Hampton) Esq. Governor.
vers of carriages of all kinds, whether of burden or of plea-
sure, using the said road, shall (except when passing by a car-
riage of slower draught,) keep their horses and carriages on
the right side of the road in the passing direction, leaving the
said road tree and clear for other carriages to pass, and if any
driver offend against this provision be shall forfeit and pay the
sum of five dollars to any person who shall be obstructed in his
passage and shall sue for the same, to be recovered before any
justice of the peace in the same manner that small debts are re-
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall not be lawful
for the said company to ask for, or receive of or from any per-
son owning lands adjoining to said road, any toll for passing
the same more than once in twenty four hours.
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all sums of money
which shall or may be collected as tolls under the authority of
this act, shall after first deducting the expence of collecting the
same be appropriated in improving and repairing the said road,
and in and for no other purpose whatever.
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and may be
lawful for the said company at any time hereafter to extend the
said turnpike from their mills, upon their obtaining the consent
of the owners of the land over which it may pass, to the. Wind-
sor mill road, under the same limitations, provisions and res.
trictions as are provided in this act.
18. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no turnpike gate
shall be erected or set up for the collection of toll, on any part
of said Calverton Turnpike road, between the bridge afore-
said now building over Gwynn's Run, and the Baltimore and
Frederick Town Turnpike Road; Provided always, that
nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to inter-
fere with, change or affect the powers and privileges invested
in and exercised by the Baltimore and Frederick Town Turn-
pike Company.
Dec. Sess.
Tolls not to
be asked.
May extend.
An act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from
or near Baltimore City in Baltimore County, through Liber-
ty Town in Frederick County, to Hagers Town in Washing-
ton County.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a company be incorporated to make a turn-
pike road beginning at the place where the Liberty road now
intersects the Reisters Town Turnpike, or at some place be-
tween that and the city of Baltimore, and running in the
straightest and best direction through Liberty-Town in Fred-
erick county, and from thence to Hagers-Town in Washing-
ton county.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription books be
opened for a capital stock of four hundred thousand dollars, in
shares of twenty five dollars each, and the subscriptions to be
taken in for two hundred thousand dollars of the same, at the
city of Baltimore, under the direction of William Patterson,
William Jessop, Dennis A. Smith, James Williams, Samuel
Moale, Solomon Etting, Aaron A. Levering, James Wilson,
Samuel Tschudy, Edward Dorsey and William Pechin for thirty
thousand dollars, at Freedom, under the direction of Moses
Brown, Henry Snowden, Nathan Munroe, Thomas Worth-
Passed Jan.
17, 1816.