Dec. Sess.
precincts of. the city of Baltimore, the same to be paid
over to the commissioners of the Western and Eastern
precincts in such proportion as the said levy court shall
think just and right.
Passed Jan.
17, 1814.
ers. To mark
and bound said
An act to open and make public a road from New-Wind-
sor, in Frederick county,
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Jonathan Norris, John Fon-
sten and Curtis Williams, or a majority of them be, and
they are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out, sur-
vey, mark and bound a public road in said county, not
exceeding twenty-five feet wide, at the expense of the
petitioners, from New-Windsor, to intersect the old Li-
berty road on the line between Eli Dorsey and James
Pcarree, below Conrad Dudderan's tavern, as nearly
as possible on the bed of the road at present laid out, as
the nature of the ground and conveniences of the land-
holders over which the same may run, will admit of: Pro-
vided, that the said road shall not be laid out through any
building, orchard, garden, yard or meadow of any per-
son without his or her consent in writing first had and
Plot. Public
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commis-
sioners or a majority of them, shall and they are hereby
directed and required to make, or cause to be made, a
plot of the said road, when surveyed as aforesaid, and
shall make return of the said plot, together with a certi-
ficate of the courses of the said road, to the clerk of Fre-
derick county, to be recorded among the records of the
said county, and when the same shall have been laid out,
surveyed, marked and bounded, as directed by this act,
the said road shall forever thereafter be deemed a pub-
lic highway, and shall be kept in repair at the public ex-
pence as other roads in Frederick county are.
Passed Jan.
17, 1814.
Duty of the
levy court.
An act to change the mode of repairing the public roads
in Caroline county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court
of Caroline county or a majority of them be, and they
are hereby authorised and required at their first meeting
in the year eighteen hundred and fourteen, and at their
first meeting in every year thereafter, to describe, ascer-
tain and distinctly record, in a book to be provided by
them for that purpose, the several and respective roads
and public highways in the county aforesaid, and to di-
vide the said roads so ascertained into as many districts
Contracts for
as to the said court shall seem meet and proper, not ex-
ceeding twenty-five districts.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED. That the justices of the