1898 Ch. 189. Divides 12th election district into 3 election districts to be
known as 12th, 14th, and 15th. Bounds almost the same
as in Acts of 1906 Ch. 251 except that line was placed on
south side of Philadelphia road.
1900 Ch. 53. Divides 2d precinct of 9th election district into 2 precincts to
be known as the 2d and 5th election precincts.
1900 Ch. 244. Divides 1st precinct of 14th election district into 2 precincts
called the 1st and 3d election precincts.
1902 Ch. 550. Changes lines between 4th precinct of 9th election district
and 2d precinct of 8th election district to run as follows:
" Beginning at the intersection of the Roland run and
the Joppa road, and running easterly to the intersection
of the county road running from Sherwood to Lutherville,
and following the bed of said county road to the branch
or stream crossing said road near Lutherville, and follow-
ing the course of said stream southwesterly to the place
of beginning."
1904 Ch. 182. Changes boundary lines between the 1st and 3d election dis-
tricts to run as follows:
"Beginning for the same at the intersection of the
westernmost boundary of the City of Baltimore with the
centre of Gwynn's Falls and running thence northerly with
said westernmost line of the City of Baltimore to the
centre of the Baltimore and Liberty Turnpike, thence with
the centre of said turnpike to the intersection of said turn-
pike with Gwynn Oak avenue, thence with the centre of
Gwynn Oak avenue to the centre of Gwynn's Falls, and
running thence with the centre of Gwynn's Falls as said
boundary line now runs to the easternmost boundary line
of the Second Election District ol Baltimore County."
1906 Ch. 106. Line between 1st and 13th election districts changed to run
as follows:
" Beginning for the same at the intersection of the
southern boundary line of Baltimore city with the south
side of Wilkens avenue, as now laid out and existing, and
running thence westerly with the south side of Wilkens
avenue to the point at which the present boundary line,
going southwest, leaves said Wilkens avenue, and thence
following said line, asi it now exists, to the Patapsco
1906 Ch. 547. Establishes the boundary line between Baltimore and Harford
counties as follows:
" Beginning at a point in the present boundary line be-
tween said counties at the mouth of the Gunpowder river,
and running thence up said river along the present bound-
ary line to the south end of the gut or channel between
Edel's Island No. 1 and Edel's Island No. 2, as described
in the two several patents from the State of Maryland to
Samuel T. Edel, Jr., and others, both bearing the date the