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The Counties of Maryland
Volume 630, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY                         433

1852 Ch. 29. Erects new district with the following bounds:

" Commencing at the point of intersection of the divid-
ing line between the said [9th] district and district num-
ber seven in said county with the eastern line of district
number six, in said county, and from thence in a westerly
direction by a straight line, to the southern end of Smith's
lane, at the turnpike road, leading from Flintstone to
Cumberland, and on the farm now owned by Henry A.
Jamison, and heretofore owned by Henry Smith, now de-
ceased; from thence in a northerly direction along said
lane to a point from which two lanes diverge; thence along
the lane leading in a northwesterly direction to the base
of Evitt's mountain; thence along the base of said moun-
tain to the Pennsylvania line, so as to include Pleasant

1852 Ch. 121. Committee appointed to create two new election districts by
the alteration and division of election districts 5 and 6.
The new district known as Mt. Savage No. 12.

1852  Ch. 218. Erects an additional election district out of No. 1 with the

following boundaries:

" Beginning ... at a point on the road leading from the
National road, from Piney Grove, where the line of dis-
trict number one and district number three crosses said
road, thence with said road to the top of Hooppole Ridge,
at the old burnt school house, thence with the Hooppole
road to the Little Yough Bridge, at the old Armstrong
farm; said new district to be called district number four-
teen or Sangin ground district.

1853  Ch. 289. Commission appointed to run and mark the line between the

1st and 4th election districts.

1854  Ch. 76. Surveyor authorized to run out, mark and establish the di-

vision line between district 11 and 14.
1856 Ch. 156. Commission appointed to run out the lines between election

districts 3 and 5

" commencing at some point on Savage River, thence by

a straight line near Mr. Recknor's tavern, on the National

road, to a point on the Pennsylvania State line."
1856 Ch. 221. Commission appointed to run out the line between 1st and

4th election districts.
1860 Ch. 167. Commission appointed to erect election district No. 15 from

1st, 10th, and 14th districts and to report to the Clerk of

Circuit Court. Elections to be held in Oakland.
1860 Ch. 310. Commission appointed to create election district No. 16 out of

4th and 5th districts and the southern line of the new

district shall not be south of William Shaw's mill and the

place of elections shall be Lonaconing.



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The Counties of Maryland
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