Lower Kittanning coal, 139.
Lower Mahoning sandstone, 140.
Lower Mercer coal, 139.
Lower Pittsburg limestone, 140.
Lower red shales, 140.
Lower Sewickley coal, 141.
Lyell, Sir Charles, 46.
McGee, W J, 51.
Macadam tests, 320.
Maclure, Wm., 43.
Magothy formation, 97, 150.
Mahoning coal, 140.
Mahoning limestone, 140.
Manganese, 207.
Manlius member, 132.
Marbles, 120, 177, 178.
Marcellus member, 135.
Marls, 199.
Martin, H. N., 49.
Martinsburg formation, 130.
Maryland Agricultural College and Ex-
periment Station, 48.
Maryland, agricultural soils of, 209.
Appalachian region of, 84.
boundaries of, 29.
building stones of, 171.
climate of, 224.
coals of, 167.
coastal plain of, 56.
counties of, 33.
education in, 39.
forestry of, .246.
geology of, 93.
history of, 34.
hydrography of, 238.
location of, 29.
mineral resources, value of, 167.
physical features of, 29.
physiography of, 55.
Piedmont Plateau of, 73.
population of, 33, 34.
roads, general discussion of, 373.
size of, 32.
State government of, 38.
terrestrial magnetism of, 241.
Maryland Geological Survey, establish-
ment of, 51.
Maryland Weather Service, 51.
Mason and Dixon Line, 30, 31, 35.
Mason and Dixon Line, resurvey of, 54.
Masontown coal, 140.
Massachusetts Highway Commission,
Matawan formation, 97, 151.
Mathews, E. B., 27, 28, 50, 419.
Mauch Chunk formation, 138.
Mesozoic diabase discussed, 118.
Meta-gabbro, 114.
Meta-rhyolite, 117.
Methods of road construction, 391.
Michler, N., survey by, 32.
Mica, 208.
Middle Kittanning coal, 139.
Mineral paints, 202.
Mineral resources of Maryland, 165.
Mineral waters, 203.
Miocene, 155.
characteristic fossils of, 258.
Mississippian, 137.
Molybdenum, 207.
Monongahela formation, 97, 141.
Monterey formation, 134.
Montgomery County, area of, 33.
county town of, 33.
election ditricts of, 519.
history of formation of, 519.
population of, 33.
road work in, 291, 353.
Monmouth formation, 97, 152.
" Mountain " sandstone, 187.
Morgantown limestone, 140.
Mt. Savage coal, 139.
Mt. Savage fire-clay, 139.
Nanjemoy formation, 97, 155.
Newark formation, 97, 121.
Newell, F. H, 27, 28.
New Scotland member, 134.
Niagara formation, 132.
Norite, 114.
Oiled roads, 389.
Ordovician period, 129.
characteristic fossils of, 252.
Oriskany formation, 134.
Oriskany sandstone, 187.
Paleozoic sandstone, 186.
Pamunkey group, 97, 154.
Pan-American Exposition, 264.
awards at, 266.
exhibits at, 264.
Patapsco formation, 97, 149.
Patuxent County, 455.
Patuxent formation, 97, 147.
Paving brick tests, 316, 411.
Peachbottom slate, 113, 189.
Pegmatite, 117.
Peneplains of Appalachian region, 86.
Piedmont Plateau, ,74.
Pennsylvanian, 138.
Peridotite, 116.
Permian period, 141.
characteristic fossils of, 254.