1799 Ch. 50. Commission appointed to divide county into 3 election dis-
1820 Ch. 69. County divided into 4 election districts, the 4th district laid
off adjoining and between the 1st and 2d districts.
1821 Ch. 27. Confirms Acts of 1820 Ch. 69.
1821 Ch. 92. Commission appointed to lay off the county in 4 election dis-
tricts who are to report to County Clerk.
1826 Ch. 180. County divided into 5 election districts, the new one to be
taken from the 3d election district.
1827 Ch. 1. Confirms Acts of 1826 Ch. 180.
1827 Ch. 25. Commission appointed to lay out the new district.
1849 Ch. 79. Polling place of 1st election district changed to or near
Dening's Store.
1876 Ch. 75. Additional election district, No. 6, erected out of parts of 1st,
2d, and 3d election districts as follows:
" Beginning at Hillsborough, and running with the di-
vision line which separates Caroline and Queen Anne's
counties, up to the public road from Bennett Down's to
the public road running from Roesville; thence with the
public road running from William D. Smith's to the brick
school house; thence with the public road to Carrville
station; thence with the public road to the public road
running from Ruthsburg to Centreville; thence with a
straight or imaginary line to Hall's Cross Roads; thence
with the public road to Willoughby' shops; thence with
the public road dividing Queen Anne's and Talbot counties
to the beginning point."
1882 Ch. 244. Additional election district, No. 7, erected out of portions of
the 1st and 2d election districts as follows:
" Beginning at the bridge spanning Chester river, at a
place known as Turner's mills, above Sandtown, and fol-
lowing the public road in a southerly direction until it in-
tersects the public road leading from Andover branch to
Sandtown; thence with said road in a southwesterly di-
rection to the forks of said road; thence with the left
fork in a southwesterly direction between the lands of
Edwin W. Spear, John Benson and others, until it inter-
sects what is known as Casey's cross-roads; thence with
the public road direct to Hackett's Corner; said road lead-
ing between the lands of James B. Stevens, Edwin W.
Spear, Benjamin T. Brigg's, the heirs of Thomas Taylor,
Joseph E. Briscoe's land, also Samuel Casey and John C.
Hackett; said Hackett's Corner intersects the main road
leading from Sudlersville to Cappage's Landing; from
thence in a straight line to the waters of Red Lyon branch,
at a place known as William L. Godwin's mill-pond; thence
up and with said branch until it intersects the public