Dec. Ses. 1822
any special or common warrants, and which have been compounded
upon, a complete title for the same shall be vested in such taker up or
those claiming under him, her or them.
Time limited
for compound
3. And be it enacted, That all certificates of surveys of land made
after the passage of this act in Allegany county, and returned to the
land office of the western shore, and which shall not be compounded
upon within twelve months from the date of such certificate, shall be
and the same arc hereby declared to be null and void, and the lands
therein mentioned, shall be liable to be taken up again as all other va-
cant lands are in said county of Allegany.
Passed Feb
10, 1823.
An act for the relief of John W. Berry of the city of Baltimore.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That John W.
Berry of the city of Baltimore, and his legal representatives, be, and
they are hereby authorised and permitted to improve and use in such
manner as he or they may think proper, a certain lot of land situated
and lying in the city of Baltimore as lately extended and enlarged,
which was demised and leased to him by M'Lane Stinchcomb and
wife in the year eighteen hundred and eighteen, said lot being a front
of about fifty seven feet on Catharine now Chats worth street and ex-
tending north easterly to the Reister's town turnpike road, now Penn-
sylvania avenue; and whenever by authority of any law heretofore
passed, it shall be necessary to open Preston street, which by the
commissioners appointed by an act of assembly passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and seventeen, has been located through
or upon said lot, and before the opening of the same, the said John
W. Berry and his representatives shall be entitled to receive a fair
and reasonable compensation as well for the ground taken for Pres-
ton street as for any improvements that shall in the mean time have
been made thereupon, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Feb
20, 1823.
An act to revive and continue in force the act of Assembly therein men-
tioned, and the several supplements thereto and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly of Maryland
by the petition of sundry citizens of the village of Denton, that
doubts have arisen respecting the validity of the laws for the appoint-
ing of commissioners for the regulation and improvement of said
village in consequence of the commissioners thereof, having neglect-
ed to act agreeably to the provisions of said laws; therefore,
Former laws
Section 1. He it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the act of assembly
passed at November session, eighteen hundred and two, chapter
twenty five, entitled, An act appointing commissioners for the regu-
lation and improvement of Denton in Caroline county, and the sup-
plement to the said act passed at November session, eighteen hun-
dred and four, chapter fifty four, and the further supplement to the
aforesaid act passed at November session, eighteen hundred and se-
ven, chapter one hundred and thirteen, (except the seventh section
of the last recited supplement, be, and the same are hereby revived
and declared to be in as lull force as if the commissioners of said
village had acted in conformity to the provisions of the aforesaid act
and the supplements thereto, any thing in any law, custom or usage
to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
2. And be it enacted, That Thomas Saulsbury, James Sangston,