Passed Dec 18.
Benefit of insolv-
ent laws extend-
ed to him.
Passed Dec. 18.
Levy authorised.
An Act for the relief of David Waggaman, of Washington county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
judges of the orphans and county courts of Washington county,
be and they are hereby authorised and required, to afford to Da-
vid Waggaman the benefit of the insolvent laws of this state, in
as full and ample manner, to all intents and purposes, as if he had
resided two whole years in his state before the time, of Ins applica-
tion for the same, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; Pro-
vided always, that the said courts shall be first satisfied that the
said David Waggaman did not remove into this state for the pur-
pose of obtaining the benefit of the said insolvent laws,
An Act to authorise the Justices of the Levy Court of Dorchester County to
levy a sum of money for the purposes therein mentioned.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Dorchester county, if in their
opinion the public interest require it, be and they are hereby au-
thorised and empowered, to levy a sum of money, not exceeding
five hundred dollars, to build a bridge or causeway over Oyster
creek, at or near the place where the ferry is now kept over said
Authorised to con-
tract for building
2. And be it enacted, That the justices of the said court are
hereby authorised and empowered to contract with any person or
persons to build said bridge or causeway, and do whatever is ne-
cessary and requisite to carry said law into effect.
Passed Dec 18.
Authorised to re-
move slave.
An Act authorising Henry E. Coalman to remove a certain negro Slave from
the State of Louisiana into this State, for the use of Peregrine Ward 3d of
Cecil County.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the said Henry E. Coalman be and he is hereby authorised and
empowered, at any time within twelve months after the passage
of this act, to remove into this state from the state of Louisiana
a negro man named Michael, a slave, for the use and benefit of
the said Peregrine Ward 3d.
To have him re-
2. Anil be it enacted, That the said Peregrine Ward 3d regis-
ter the said negro slave in Cecil county court within three months
after his arrival in said county.
Passed Dec. 18.
An Act to incorporate the Trustees of M'Kimm's School in the City of Balti-
WHEREAS John M'Kimm, late of the city of Baltimore, de-
ceased, animated by the noble desire of promoting the education,
and thereby increasing the future happiness and comfort of a
portion of poor youths in the city aforesaid, did desire and re-
quest his two sons, Isaac M'Kimm and William D. M'Kimm, to
Convey to trustees to be appointed out of the society or people
professing the religious principles of friends, who assemble to