the rate of rent or annual value of said house or
place does or shall exceed two hundred dollars
and does not or shall not exceed three hundred
dollars, then the sum of fifty dollars; and if the
said rate of rent or annual value does or shall
exceed the sum of three hundred dollars and does
not or shall not exceed four hundred dollars, then
the sum of sixty dollars; and if the said rate of
rent or annual value does or shall exceed four
hundred dollars and does not or shall not exceed
live hundred dollars, then the sum of seventy-five
dollars; and if the said rate of rent or annual
value does or shall exceed five hundred dollars
and does not or shall not exceed seven hundred
and fifty dollars, then the sum of ninety dollars;
and if the said rate of rent or annual value does
or shall exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars
and does not or shall not exceed one thousand dol-
lars, then the sum of one hundred dollars; and if
the said rate of rent or annual value does or shall
exceed one thousand dollars and does not or shall
not exceed two thousand dollars, then the sum of
one hundred and fifty dollars; and if the said rate
of rent or annual value does or shall exceed two
thousand dollars and does not or shall not exceed
three thousand dollars, then the sum of one hun-
dred and eighty dollars; and if the said rate of
rent or annual value does or shall exceed three
thousand dollars and does not or shall not exceed
five thousand dollars, then the sum of two hund-
red and fifty dollars; and if the said rate of rent
or annual value does or shall exceed five thou-
sand dollars and does not or shall not exceed ten
thousand dollars, then the sum of four hundred
dollars; and if the rate of rent or annual value
does or shall exceed the sum of ten thousand dol-
lars, then the sum of four hundred and fifty dol-
lars shall be demanded and received by said
said clerk before granting to the applicant the
license applied for.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That from and after
the first day of May next if any person or persons,
body or bodies corporate, shall desire and purpose
to open, set up, or keep an oyster house, cook shop,
victualling house, or lager beer saloon, or any
place other than an ordinary, at or in which
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer may
License for
cook-shop, Ia-
ger-beer sa-
loon, &c.