SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of one thousand, four hun-
dred and twenty five dollars and eighty cents, be and
the same is hereby appropriated for the payment of
the claims of Iglehart & Caldwell, for materials fur-
nished for repairs of State House; for the payment of
Samuel Brooks, for services as lamplighter to the leg-
islature of eighteen hundred and fifty four; for the pay-
ment of John E. Stalker, for repairs and materials for
State House; for the payment of McDowell & Gable,
for carpet furnished for Senate Chamber; for the pay-
ment ot George Jacoby, for repairs of furniture; for
the payment of Richard R. Conner, for painting done
in Senate Chamber in eighteen hundred and fifty me;
for the payment of Emanuel Dadds, for cleaning the
grounds around the State House; for the pay-
ment of Dennis C. Thompson, for services rendered
in removing from the offices at present occupied by
the Comptroller of the Treasury, the records, books,
and papers, belonging to the Court of Appeals of
Maryland, in pursuance of chapter eighty nine, of
January session eighteen hundred and fifty two; for
the payment of the claim of Thomas A. Mitchell, for
stoves furnished State House; for the payment of
Thomas Brewer, for services rendered in cleaning up
the Senate Chamber previous to the meeting of the
Senate; for the payment of Lewis F. Gootee, as police
at the State House; for the payment of William Har-
wood, for commissions upon stationery bought for
the use of the legislature; for the payment of James
Hopkins, for repairing lamps; for the payment of
James H. League, for putting up stoves; for the pay-
ment of William S. Clayton, for repairs of furnace;
for the payment of Thomas J. Earickson for services
as justice of the peace to select committee appointed
to investigate the condition of the Farmers and Mer-
chants Bank of Greensborough; for the payment of
Alexander Ridgaway, for services as messenger to
said committee; for the payment of James Murray, for
services as clerk in Land Office under Resolution
eighty five of eighteen hundred and thirty one; for the
payment of Nicholas Brewer, for ice and spring water
furnished the State House; for the payment of Mary
Sullivan, for washing towels for House of Delegates;
for the payment of Riley & Ridgely, for printing rules,
orders, yeas and nays, and list of members for the
House of Delegates; for the payment of John Smith
(colored) for menial services rendered to the Senate
Sums appro-