shall be kept in repair as other public roads In said
county are
Certain roads
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the road
leading from the Peach Bottom road near the bridge
on Deer Creek until its intersection with the road
leading from John Forwood's black smith shop to
Mrs. Henrietta Wheeler's be vacated and closed up,
as also the road leading from the ford on Deer Creek,
below and near to the mill of Clement Green, until
its intersection with the road leading from William
Pyle's saw-mill, to and through the farm of Henri-
etta Wheeler, shall be vacated and closed up, any
law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstand-
Passed Dec.
7, 1812.
An act to establish a public road in Prince George's
WHEREAS, Sundry inhabitants of Prince Geor-
ge's county, by their petition to this General Assem-
bly have represented, that there has been a private
road for a great number of years leading from a
bounded stone standing at the main road in Basil
Duckett's plantation, and thence by Belt Brashera's
to intersect the main road leading from Bladens-
burgh by Magruder's tavern to Annapolis, at a place
known by the name of Lanham's black-smith shop,
and as the establishing the same as a public road
would greatly promote the convenience of. the inha-
bitants residing near said road, and be of public
utility, they have prayed that the same may be made
a public road, and kept up and repaired under the
same regulations as other public roads in said coun-
ty, which appearing to this General Assembly rea-
sonable; Therefere, 1
Said road de-
clared public
— how to be
kept in repair.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the road in Prince George's county
leading as aforesaid from a bounded stone standing
at the main road in Basil Duckett's plantation, and
thence by Belt Brashera's to intersect the main road
leading from Bladensburgh by Magrader's tavern to
Annapolis, at a place known by the name of Lan-
ham's black-smith shop, as now opened and used, be,
and the same is hereby declared, deemed arid taken
to be a public road forever, and shall hereafter be
kept up and repaired as other public roads are in