Mar. 10, 1854.
AN ACT authorising Daniel Sharrer, William J. Hoff-
man, Henry Hoffacker and Araham Painter, to con-
vey certain real estate to the trustees of the German
Reformed and Evangelical Lutheran Saint Peters
Church in Baltimore county.
WHEREAS, a certain Barnet Hampshire and Margaret
his wife, of Baltimore county, by deed bearing date
February the eighth, eighteen hundred and eight,
duly executed acknowledged and recorded in Liber
W. G. number ninety-six, folio eleven hundred and
sixty-nine, one of the land record books of said coun-
ty, conveyed until Nicholas Rebble, Abraham Shaf-
fer, Jacob Hare, Christopher Hair, Daniel Sharrer,
Abraham Painter and Mathias Bolinger, their heirs
and assigns, a tract of land containing about four
acres, more or less in trust for the use of a church,
school and burying ground; and whereas, it has
been represented to the General Assembly that it was
the design of the grantors to said deed that the gran-
tees in said deed should hold the said tract of land
for the use of the German Reformed and Evangeli-
cal Lutheran churches of said county, and said
churches have occupied said land since the dale of
said deed, and have built thereon a church called
Saint Peters, but inasmuch as another portion of
the church ground is held by other trustees, and
their successors, and it is deemed advisable for one set
of trustees to have control of the whole of said
church property and the said Daniel Sharrer, Wil-
liam J. Hoffman, Henry Hoffacker and Abraham
Painter, the only surviving trustees mentioned in said
deed, being desirous of relinquishing their trust in
favor of the trustees of said churches for the better
harmony of said churches and the better security of
said property; now Therefore,
Authority to
convey land.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the said Daniel Sharrer, William
J. Hoffman, Henry Hoffacker and Abraham Painter,
trustees as aforesaid, be, and the and they are hereby
authorised to convey unto the trustees of said church
and their successors in office forever all the right, title,
claim, trust, interest and estate, both at law and in