SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That subscription
books shall be opened in the city of Baltimore, under
the direction of Algernon R. Wood, Adam Denmead,
A. W. Bradford, Dr. B. W. Woods, and Daniel Al-
der, for a capital stock of twenty thousand dollars, in
shares of twenty dollars each, and the persons above
named are hereby appointed commissioners, who shall
for this purpose, on, or before the first Monday in May
next, procure a book or books, and in it enter as follows:
to wit: we whose names are hereunto subscribed, do pro-
mise to pay to the Charles Street Avenue Company the
sum of twenty dollars for every share of stock in said
company set opposite to our respective names agree-
ably to the act of the General Assembly of Maryland,
entitled, an act to incorporate the Charles Street Ave-
nue Company, passed at January session eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-four, witness our hands this
day of eighteen hundred and fifty
and the said commissioners after at least
two weeks notice in one or more newspapers published
in Baltimore city, and in one or more newspapers pub-
lished in Baltimore county, of the time and place of open-
ing said subscription books, shall meet at the time and
place appointed, at which meeting at least three of said
commissioners shall attend, and shall permit all persons
and corporations who shall offer to subscribe in person
or by attorney, for stock in said company in the books
aforesaid, which shall be kept open for that purpose at
least four hours in every day, for three successive days
if necessary, and if the whole of said capital stock be
not then subscribed for, the said commissioners may re-
open said books at such time and place as they may
think fit under their direction, or that of any three of
them, for further subscriptions from time to time, until
the whole of said stock be subscribed for, and every
person subscribing for the stock of said company, for
himself or by attorney, shall on subscribing, pay to the
attending commissioners one dollar for every share so
subscribed, out of which shall be deducted the expen-
ses attending the taking of such subscription, and all
other incidental charges, and the residue shall be de-
posited in one of the banks of Baltimore to the credit
of said company, subject to the older of the managers
books to be