his ballot, in print or willing, "for the additional levy,''
or "against the additional levy, "as his choice may be,
and if it shall appear on comparing the votes, that a ma-
jority of the votes cast at the said election are for the ad-
ditional levy, the provisions of this act shall go into ef-
fect, and if a majority of the votes cast at said election
are against the additional levy, this act shall be null
and void.
CHAP. 195.
AN ACT to authorize the appointment, and estab-
lish the Salary of an Assistant to the State Agri-
cultural Chemist, and to provide for the establish-
ment of a permanent Laboratory in the City of
Passed May
21, 1852.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That from and after the passage of this
act, the State Agricultural Chemist, be authorised to ap-
point one assistant, to aid him in the performance of
his duties, under the act to which this is a supplement ;
and, that the State Chemist be authorized to locale his
laboratory permanently in the city of Baltimore, where
all soils, marls, limestones, minerals and manures of
this State, which may be deposited in his office for
that purpose, shall be analysed by said chemist, or his
assistant, free of charge.
Authority to
appoint assist-
Authority to
locate labora-
tory perma-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the State Chemist
shall not remain a shorter time than one month, nor a
longer time than three months, in any one county, un-
less by special license of the Governor, when the exi-
gency of the case may demand a longer time; and that
lectures be delivered at such times and places, as he
may deem most subservient to the public interest;
Time to re-
main in one
Provided, that not leas than three lectures be de-
livered in each county he may hereafter visit, in com-
pliance with the provisions of the act of eighteen hun-
dred and forty-seven, chapter two hundred and forty-
nine; and that he make a printed report annually to
the House of Delegates, to the number of one thou-
sand copies, or as many more as the House of Dele-
gates or Senate may direct; and the cost of said re-
ports shall not exceed ten cents per copy, and shall
contain whatever matters may best subserve the agricul-
tural interests of the State.