south side of said street, bounded on the east by
Franklin lane, and on the west by Light street -, and
shall extend, construct and fill into the Basin of Balti-
more city, a block slip or wharf, extending from the
south side thereof midway between Franklin lane
and Light street, in a direct line, until the said slip
would reach the south side of Camden street extend-
ed; which said wharf shall be of the width of two
hundred and forty feet, and shall be subject. to be dis-
posed of and sold in the manner herein after provided
tor by the said commissioners.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners or a majority of them shall, as soon as con-
veniently may be after the passage of this act, ascer-
tain and determine what sum of money shall be ne-
cessary to execute the work by this act required to be
performed, and shall make a statement thereof, under
their hands and seals, and deliver the same to the as-
sessors herein after appointed.
shall ascertain
the sum neces-
sary to execute
the work requir-
ed, and deliver
a statement to
the assessors.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each of the
said commissioners shall receive as a compensation for
his services in carrying into effect the provisions of
this act, the sum of two dollars for each and every day
he shall be so employed.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case any of
the said commissioners should die, refuse to actor re-
move out of the county before the discharge of the,
duties imposed on them by this act, it shall and may
be lawful to and for the surviving or remaining com-
missioners, to appoint a commissioner or commission-
ers, as the case may be, in his or their stead, each of
whom shall be vested with the same powers, required
to discharge the same duties, and receive the same com-
pensation that any commissioner named in this act is.
may supply va-
cancies occa-
sioned by death
or otherwise.
6. AND BE IT EN ACTED, That [John Strick-
er, *] William Steuart, George Warner, Richard Fris-
by, Nicholas R. Moore, David Williamson, Alexander
McDonald, David Winchester, Andrew Ellicott,
Thomas Ellicott, and Francis Hollingsworth be, and
they are hereby appointed assessors, to value and as-
certain the damage which may be sustained by, and
the benefits which may accrue to such persons who
shall sustain damage from, or receive benefits by the
opening and extending of the said street; who shall, be-
fore they act as such, take and subscribe the following
oath or affirmation, as the case may be, viz. I, A B.
(* NOTE BY THE PRINTER— This name is inserted in the original bill
passed by the Senate and House of Delegates, but omitted (I presume by
a mistake of the transcriber) in the engrossed bill. )
Assessors ap-
pointed— they
shall take an
oath, and may
supply vacan-
cies occurring
in their own bo-
dy — their com-