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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 908   View pdf image
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74. Resolution appropriating five hundred dollars for the repairs
of the court-house at Easton.

75. Resolution in favor of Theresa Hays, the widow of a soldier
of the revolution.

76. Resolution directing the Governor to have procured a mar-
ble block, from any quarry in this State, of dimensions suitable
for insertion in the Washington National Monument, and to for-
ward the same to the proper agent or agents at Washington city.

77. Resolution in relation to the Commissioner of Loans.

78. Resolution to have two Spontoons now in the armory of the
State, to be placed in the Lyceum at the Naval School.

79. Resolution of thanks to Lieutenants Alexander H. Cross,
Robert Swan, Robert H. Archer and William H. Fitzhugh, of the
regiment of Voltigeurs, U. S. army, natives of Maryland.

80. Resolution in favor of printers.

81. Resolution in relation to the Public Buildings.

82. Resolution in favor of certain extra committee clerks.

83. Resolution authorising the Governor to procure and present
to Brigadier General Bennet Riley, a sword.

84. Resolution in favor of James Boyle, Jr., and C. C. Holtz-

85. Resolution appropriating five hundred dollars, for the repairs
of the Treasury office.

86. Resolution in favor of Richard G. Glover.

87. Resolution in favor of Messrs. Iglehart and Caldwell.

88. Resolution in relation to resolution No. 8, of December ses-
sion 1840.

89. Resolution in favor of Sellman Cox and securities.

90. Resolution in favor of Lawrence A. Dawson.

91. Resolution in favor of Iglehart & Co.

92. Resolution in relation to State Warfinger.

93. Resolution for the repairs of the Government House.

94. Resolution requesting the Governor to cause to be printed the
report and accompanying documents in relation to the boundary lines
of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware, &c.

95. Resolution of thanks to Captain Franklin Buchanan, and
Surgeon Ninian Pinkney, U. S. Navy.

96. Resolution directing the State Librarian to furnish certain lite-
rary institutions in this State with copies of Dorsey's Laws.

97. Resolution in relation to certain militia officers' commissions
which expired, to be renewed on certain conditions herein set forth.


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Session Laws, 1849
Volume 613, Page 908   View pdf image
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