CHAP. 307
ing manner: one fourth thereof to the officer making
the arrest and seizure, and the balance equally among
those whom he may have summoned, and who have
aided in the same.
Mar. 1, 1850.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act authorising the
Commissioners of the Tax of Carroll county, to levy
a sum of money therein mentioned, passed Decem-
ber Session, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, chap-
ter three hundred and thirty-one.
WHEREAS, it is represented, that the twenty dollars
directed to be levied by the act to which this is a sup-
plement, for the maintenance of Catharine Haines, is
not a sufficient stun — Therefore,
County levy
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Commissioners of the tax of Carroll county,
be and they are hereby directed to levy fifty dollars, in
place of twenty dollars, to be paid as directed by the
act to which this is a supplement, said levy to be con-
tinned during the life of said Catharine Haines, and
no longer.
Passed Mar. 4,
An act to condemn a lot of land for the use and repair
of a public Causeway, at Crotchets Ferry, in Dor-
chester County.
To condemn
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the commissioners of the tax
for Dorchester county, be and they are hereby autho-
rised and required to appoint three commissioners,
which said commissioners or a majority of them shall
be authorised and empowered to survey, locate and
condemn a lot of ground at or near the upper end of
the causeway, in the north west fork of Dorchester
county, not exceeding one acre, for the use and ben-
efit of said county, to keep said causeway in good