SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John Rutter, Joseph Rowe, Fred-
erick Louis Grammar, Richard A. Metz, Jesse Wood-
cock, John Young, Nicholas O. Thompson, Conrad
Miller, John Warnick, Jacob B. Thomas, Basil Man-
hana, Elijah Stansbury, George W. Lightner, William
Woodcock, Thomas Butler, John A. Metz, George
Culnan, Thomas B. Sharp, Thomas Samuel, J. E.
Snodgrass, John King, Lewis A. Birely, E. D. Wil-
liams, Francis Metz, David O. Price, John F. Mere-
dith, George W. Kepler, Jacob Jones, Lewis M. Smith,
William B. Manroe, John Webber, Charles W. Carter,
Ariel H. Brown, John Dunn, James H. Jones, Ed-
ward Elliott, Isaac Layfield, George Dew, James
Dew, Reuben Prescott, Randolph B. Mason, Charles
Conaway, James W. Irwin, Luther Hill, Edward G.
Hendrix, Edward Hennick, Thomas S. Dulaney,
Benjamin Brown, Moses Gist, James H. Springer,
William P. Hultz, Louis P. Ineman, F. T. Jacobs,
Samuel Martin, John Gregg, John Rapold, Andrew
Hutton, James Bowden, Jacob Fussell, junior. John
Reed, Levi K. Coonley, George H. Marsh, Henry
Sears, William A. Schapan, Hiram Leissen, Josias
W. Gordon, Thomas A. J. Rutter, Thomas H. Cos-
tar, Charles Gontrum, Alexander Lentz, George W.
Mudd, Joseph Franklin, and Samuel B. Stewart, the
officers and members of Purity Division, number
thirty-one, of the Sons of Temperance, of the city of
Baltimore, and State of Maryland, and their succes-
sors, be and they are hereby incorporated, and made
a body politic and corporate, by the name and num-
ber of Purity Division, number thirty-one, of the Sons
of Temperance, of the city of Baltimore, and State of
Maryland, and by that name may sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded, and have a common seal, and
the same, at their pleasure, alter, and be entitled to