an act prescribing general regulations for the incorpora-
tion of manufacturing and mining companies.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the right is hereby
expressly reserved to the General Assembly of Mary-
land at its pleasure to alter or repeal this act of incor-
CHAP. 301.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That any company here-
after formed shall have the privilege of passing over
the lands of said Philadelphia Mining Company, so as
to connect any lateral rail road with the rail road or roads
of the said Philadelphia Mining Company, by paying said
company such sum or suras as may be agreed upon by
three disinterested persons appointed by the commis-
sioners of the tax of Allegany county to value said da-
Other compa-
nies may cross
said road upon
certain condi-
mage or damages.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
contained shall be so construed as to exempt the lands
and other property of said company from taxation.
Not exempted
from taxation.
An act entitled, an act to cure the defects of certain In-
struments of Writing.
March 8, 1848.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all deeds and other instruments which
have been executed and acknowledged in this State by
any feme covert according to existing laws, which may
not have been certified by the takers of the acknow-
ledgments of said deeds or other instruments of writ-
ing to have been signed and sealed as required by the
third section of the act of December session eighteen
hundred and thirty, chapter one hundred and sixty-
four, be and the same are valid to all intents and pur-
Made valid.
poses; provided, that in all other respects said deeds or
other instruments of writing have been executed, ac-
knowledged and recorded in conformity with existing
laws; and provided, that nothing in this act shall be con-
strued to affect the interest of bona fide purchasers or
third parties without notice, or any suit or controversy
now pending in any court in this State arising from the
defect aforesaid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall only
apply and be construed to affect deeds and other in-
struments of writing required to be recorded in Somer-
set county in this State.
To apply to
Somerset co.