CHAP. 279.
Mar. 10, 1848.
An act to make valid a deed from Margaret Walters and
James Wallers, Senior, to Margaret E. Cissel.
Made valid.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a deed from Margaret Walters and James Walters,
Senior, to Margaret E. Cissel, bearing date on the twen-
ty-seventh day of December in the year eighteen hundred
and forty-five, and recorded among the land records of
Montgomery county court in liber S. T. S., number one,
folios five hundred and eighteen, five hundred and nine-
teen and five hundred and twenty, be and the same is
hereby made valid to all intents and purposes, any law
or custom of this State to the contrary notwithstanding;
provided, that the rights of third parties having now at-
tached, are not to be affected by the operation of this
March 9, 1848.
An act to lay off a new Primary School District, in Anne
Arundel County, to be styled School District number
New primary
school district
formed out of
parts of Nos.
8 and 9, and
boundaries es-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That parts of primary school districts number
eight and nine, embraced within the lines hereinafter
described, shall be and are hereby created and con-
stituted a new primary school district, to wit: beginning
for the same at the point on the Patuxent river where
the Green Branch empties itself into said river, and
thence with said Branch to the line between John
Wilson Iglehart and James H. Walking, thence with
said line to the line between Thomas S. Iglehart and
James H. Watkins, until it reaches the public road
by Edward Harvey's, thence with said toad through
the land of Thomas R. Kent to the cross roads, thence
with the public road to the line between James H.
Harwood and Thomas R. Kent, thence with said line 1o
the line between Doctor Benjamin Watkins and James
H. Harwood until it reaches the land of John T. Hodges,
thence with the line between John T. Hodges and Doc-
tor Benjamin Watkins to the public road, thence with
said main road through the lands of John T. Hodges,