CHAP. 196.
subject to all the limitations and restrictions imposed
upon the Potomac Manufacturing company, incorpora-
ted at the present session of the legislature.
In force.
SEC. 3 And be it enacted, That this law shall continue
in force only until the first Monday of December eigh-
teen hundred and forty-nine, but all incorporations
which may be established by virtue of this act shall re-
main in force till repealed by some subsequent legisla-
ture, and shall always be liable to repeal, alteration and
amendment at the discretion of subsequent legislatures.
March 6, 1848.
Time extend-
ed to collect.
An act entitled, an act JOT the relief of Thomas M. D.
Baden, former collector of Prince George's county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time allowed Thomas M. D. Baden, former
collector of taxes in Prince George's county, by the act
of December session eighteen hundred and forty-six,
chapter three hundred and twenty-nine, be and the
name is hereby extended to the first day of January
eighteen hundred and forty-nine.
Feb. 23, 1848.
Arrears to be
funded and its
payment post-
A further supplement to an act to incorporate the Bal-
timore and Susquehanna Rail Road Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the day when any com-
pany or companies now or hereafter incorporated for the
purpose by the legislature of Pennsylvania shall have com-
pleted a rail road or rail roads, either from the borough of
York to the Cumberland Valley road,or from the borough
of Wrightsville to a junction with the Harrisburg, Mount
Joy and Lancaster rail road, or to the town of Harris-
burg, thereby securing a connection with the Pennsyl-
vania rail road on the east bank of the Susquehanna
river, the arrearages of interest due from the Baltimore
and Susquehanna rail road company to the State of Mary-
land, upon loans made to that company, shall be funded