CHAP. 89.
amendment does not in any way conflict with the laws
of the State of Maryland, the laws of the United States,
or the laws of the Grand Division of the Sons of Tem-
perance of the State of Maryland.
Funds, &c. not
to be divided.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the funds and estate
of the said corporation, shall not at any time be divided
or distributed amongst the members thereof, or diverted
from the purposes contemplated by its formation, with-
out the permission of the General Assembly of Mary-
In force 40
Right reserv-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpora-
tion shall continue and exist for forty years from its pas-
sage, unless the General Assembly of Maryland should
alter, amend, or annul it, which right it reserves to the
Legislature to exercise at pleasure.
Issue forbid.
Passed Feb.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be so taken or construed as to allow the said cor-
poration to issue any note, token, scrip or device to be
used as a currency.
16, 1847.
An act to incorporate the York Road Omnibus Company,
WHEREAS, a large number of persons residing on,
and adjacent to the York Turnpike Road, between the
city of Baltimore and Towsontown, in Baltimore county,
experience considerable difficulty in procuring convey-
ance to and from the city aforesaid, and in order to afford
greater facilities to the travelling community, have con-
cluded to create a company by stock, and raise a capital
sufficient to purchase an Omnibus and horses, and run
the same daily from Towsontown to Baltimore, and
back; and whereas, a meeting was held on the fifth day
of January last, by said persons residing on and near
said road as aforesaid, and at which time it was organiz-
ed, and it was ascertained that a sufficient number of
names was had to insure the object in view, it was
deemed advisable to procure a charter from the General
Assembly of Maryland, for the more permanent security
of the company, — Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Doctor Josias Marsh, Benjamin N.
Payne, Joseph Patterson, William G. Howard, Edward
S. Myers, George M. Hiss, John Baker, John Burns,
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