ecutor of Elijah Robosson be, and he is hereby autho-
rised and empowered, to sell at such time and on such
terms as he shall think expedient, at public auction on
the premises, after having given due and public notice
by advertisement of the time and place of sale, all that
lot of land containing about twelve acres with the im-
provements thereon, situated at Flintstone in Allegany
county, which by said last will, was directed to be rent-
ed out for six years, and then sold.
CHAP. 170.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Joshua H.
Shipley, as such executor shall report the said sale to
the orphans' court of Carroll county aforesaid, where
the said sale shall be confirmed, unless for good cause
shown to the contrary, and the said executor shall be
chargeable with the proceeds of sale, in like manner as
if the said property were situated in Carroll county, and
on payment of all the purchase money, the said executor
shall convey the said property to the purchaser or pur-
chasers by deed in fee simple.
Executor to
report sale.
A further supplement to the act to facilitate the collection
of a portion of the tax levied in pursuance of the act
passed at March session, eighteen hundred and forty-
one, chapter twenty-three.
Passed Feb.
28, 1846.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the taxes imposed by the laws of this
State, on the public debt of this State, by the existing
or any future law, whether the said public debt is owned
or held by residents or non-residents of this State, shall
hereafter be collected in the mode and at the periods
pointed out in the second section of the act passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and forty-four,
chapter one hundred and seventy-two, by which the
treasurer and commissioner of loans shall hereafter be
governed in the discharge of their respective duties.
To be collec-
agreeably to
act of 1844.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in assessing the said
public debt, owned or held by residents of this State, for
the purpose of this act, the same valuation shall be plac-
ed upon the several portions thereof, bearing different
rates of interest, as is placed upon similar portions own-
ed or held by non-residents of this State, by the said act
To be assess-
ed at $86.