Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland.
That the line between school districts number four and
seven in the upper election district of Caroline county,
be, and it is hereby altered and changed, so as to run by
and with the Gravelly branch from Choptank river, to
the said Jeremiah Rust's farm, then by and with the
lines of said Rust's farm, until it intersects the road at
the north east end of said Rust's farm, leading from
Greensborough to Whiteleysburg.
CHAP. 169.
Altered and
An act for the incorporation of the Grand Division of the
State of Maryland of the Order of the Sons of Tem-
Passed Feb.
14, 1846.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William E. Wright, John F. Seguin,
Joseph W. Stewart, William W. Weeks, John B. W.
Letournan, John A. Thompson, Thomas Trotten, Robert
Hurdle, John J. Danskin, Charles W. Doritee, James
Young, James B. Mannors, George Rickets, Samuel R.
Sparks, Thomas Cromwell, A. D. Shultze, William H.
Gobright, William J. Dickey, James Lewis, William A.
Schaffer, William Bain, N. Robinson, Charles F. Bevan
and Sidnor S. Donaldson, the officers, members and rep-
resentatives of the Grand Division of the Order of the
Sons of Temperance of the State of Maryland, and their
successors, be and they are declared to be a community,
corporation and body politic forever, by the name, style
and title of the Grand Division of the Order of the Sons
of Temperance, of the State of Maryland, and by that
name, they and their successors, shall and may, at all
times hereafter, be capable in law, to have, receive and
Name & style.
retain, to them and their successors, property, real and
personal, also devises or bequests of any person or per-
sons, bodies corporate or politic, capable of making the
same, and the same at their pleasure, to transfer or dis-
pose of in such manner as they may think proper; pro-
vided always, that the said corporation or body politic,
shall not any time, hold or possess property, real, per-
sonal or mixed, exceeding in annual value the sum of
twenty thousand dollars.