WHEREAS, it hath been represented to the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, that one John W. Alder, a constable of the
eighth election district in Allegany county, in the year eigh-
teen hundred and forty-two, by virtue of several writs of fieri
facias and venditioni exponas, issued by James Watson and
Samuel Cesna, justices of the peace of the state of Maryland
in and for Allegany county, against the goods and chat-
tels, lands and tenements, of one William Mahoney, Jun'r.
and against the property of Samuel Barnes, Leonard Cross
and Samuel Pool, advertised and exposed to sale certain
pieces or parcels of ground, the property of the said John
Mahoney, Jun'r., and that the said John W. Alder, con-
stable as aforesaid, sold one lot or tract described in his
receipt as "a tract of land called Cold Spring End, and in
the advertisements as "Cold Spring, " to one Samuel Lu-
man, for the sum of one hundred and forty-seven dollars,
thirty-seven and a half cents, which said purchase money
was paid by the said Luman to the said Alder; AND WHERE-
AS, it further appears that the said constable neglected to
return his proceedings under the said writs to the next en-
suing term of the county court, in order that a ratification
of the sale might have been had and obtained—There-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said John W. Alder be, and he is
hereby permitted to make return of the said proceedings
and sale under the aforesaid writs, unto the next ensuing
term of Allegany county court, in order that the sale may
be ratified and confirmed, if to the said court it shall ap-
May amend