LAWS OF Maryland.
may pass all by-laws and regulations aforesaid; may fix
and regulate the time or times, and manner and terms and
conditions of receiving further subscriptions (within the
limit aforesaid, ) to the capital stock, and of all transfers
of stock; and also the manner of receiving votes at and
CHAP. 232.
of conducting any election for president and directors.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall not be
construed to confer on said corporation any banking pow-
ers, nor the right to issue any bill or note in the form or
style of a bank note.
Issues forbid.
An act to constitute School District Number One, of the
Middle Election District of Caroline County, a Primary
Passed March
1, 1845.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That school district number one, of the mid-
dle election district of Caroline county, shall be comprised
within the following limits, viz: —beginning at a point
called the Sleeper, where the county road which divides
the upper from the middle election district of said county,
intersects the Tuckahoe creek, and running thence in a
southerly direction with said road until it joins the county
road leading from Hillsborough to Greensborough; thence
with said road towards Greensborough, until it reaches
the north'eastern boundary of the land on which John
W. Williams now lives; and thence running in a south-
erly direction so as to include within its eastern limits the
aforesaid land of John W. Williams and Denwood Long's
land; from thence crossing the county road leading from
Hillsborough to Denton, and running southerly so as to
include the lands of Perdue Keets, Martin Robinson, Rev.
Ezekiel Cooper, James E. Barroll, and the lands on which
Henry Saulsbury now lives; thence running in a wester-
ly direction, including the lands on which Robert Thaw-
ly resides, until it intersects the aforesaid Tuckahoe
creek; from thence with the waters of said creek, north-
Limits of
School district
No. 1.
erly and easterly, to the aforesaid place of beginning.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, Thai on the second Mon-
day in August next, and annually thereafter, the taxable
inhabitants of the aforesaid school district number one,
of the middle election district of Caroline county, com-
prised within the limits as above defined, shall meet at
the school house in said district, at which time a major-
Meet in Au-
gust annually.