CHAP. 179.
Power to hold
a common seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded
in any court of law or equity, and shall have power to
take, receive and hold property, real, personal and mixed,
which they may acquire by purchase, bequest, or devise;
provided, they shall at no time hold property, real, person-
al or mixed, over and above the value of two thousand
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees shall
have power to pass such by-laws, for the regulation of
said academy, as they may think expedient; provided, the
same be not inconsistent with the laws of this State or the
United States.
Continue thir-
ty years.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act of incorpora-
tion shall continue for thirty years from its passage, and
Right reserv-
that the Legislature reserves to itself the right to alter, or
annul this act of incorporation at pleasure.
Issues forbid.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act, be
construed so as to authorise the said corporation to issue
any note, token, device, scrip or other evidence of debt,
to be used as a currency.
Passed March
4, 1S6S.
An act for the relief of sundry poor persons in Queen
Anne's County.
Levy court
authorised to
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Queen Anne's County be, and they
are hereby authorised and directed at their next annual
meeting, and annually thereafter, at their discretion to levy
and assess on the assessable property of said county, for
the use of the several persons hereafter mentioned, any
sum of money not exceeding the several suras annexed to
their respective names, to Reuben Smith, twenty dollars,
and to Susan Hoxter, twenty dollars.
Passed March
1, 1845.
An act to authorise Benjamin T. Pindle, late Sheriff and
Collector of the County and State Taxes, in Anne Arun-
del County, further time to complete his collections of Offi-
cers' Fees and County and State Taxes, remaining un-
collected in said County.
Authorised to
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Benjamin T. Pindle, late sheriff and