their attendance as a guard or patrol, and to enforce their attendance and duty under such reason-
able regulations and penalties as the said commissioners shall think it expedient to ordain.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall also have power and authority
to increase the salary of the bailiff of the said town, and to allow him a compensation for his ser-
vices, not exceeding the rate of one hundred dollars by the year.
They may in-
crease the bai-
liff's salary,
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for the purpose of restraining the evils and inconveniencies
arising from the number of useless dogs in the said town, the said commissioners shall also have
power and authority to increase the taxes authorised to be assessed and levied upon the owners and
keepers thereof, and annually to levy and collect, from the said owners and keepers, the sum of one
dollar for every dog, and of one dollar and fifty cents for every bitch, owned, kept or harboured in
the said town, in such manner as the said commissioners have heretofore thought, or may think it
necessary to ordain, for levying and collecting the said taxes.
And the taxes
on dogs, &c.
An ACT authorising the commissioners of Charles-town, in Caecil
county, to purchase a lot of ground for the purpose therein men-
Passed 4th of
Jan. 1807.
WHEREAS the commissioners and inhabitants of Charles-town, in Caecil county, have, by
their petition to this general assembly, set forth, that the said commissioners have lately
contracted to expend the sum of one thousand dollars for the erection of a house of religious worship
for the use of the inhabitants of said town, and that the monies designed for that purpose have
arisen from the rents of the public property of said town: And whereas doubts are entertained as
to the power of the said commissioners to make an appropriation of said monies to that object, and
the said commissioners and inhabitants have prayed that a law may pass expressly granting such
power; and said petition being deemed reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners of Charles-town,
in Caecil county, for the time being, and their successors, be and they are hereby enabled to apply
the monies arising from the rents of the public property of said town to the erection of a house of
religious worship in said town for the use of the inhabitants thereof.
may apply mo-
nies, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners of said town for the time being, and their
successors, be and they are hereby enabled to purchase and hold, in fee-simple, to them and their
successors, for ever, within the limits of said town, a lot of ground, not exceeding two acres, for
the purpose aforesaid.
And purchase
ground, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, by the Authority aforesaid. That the house aforesaid, when erected, shall
be for the use of the presbyterian church in the first place, but that whenever the same shall not be
occupied, or actually appointed to be occupied, by any minister of that church, it shall and may, in
the discretion of the commissioners, be opened to any minister or preacher of any other denomina-
tion; provided nevertheless, that the power by this act given shall not be construed to enable the
commissioners aforesaid, or their successors, to lay out or expend any greater sum of money arising
from the rents of the public property aforesaid to the objects aforesaid, than one thousand dollars.
House, by
whom to be
used, &c.
An ACT to condemn a piece of ground in Kent county for the
purposes therein mentioned.
Passed 4th of
Jan. 1807.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabi-
tants of Kent county, that they are subject to considerable inconveniencies in consequence
of the want of a piece of ground for the purpose of erecting a ferry-house at Eastern Neck Island
ferry; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the sheriff of Kent county shall be
and he is hereby authorised and required, to summon and return a jury of good and lawful men of
his county, not less than twelve, inhabitants within said county, and not interested in or related to
the owner of such land, to be and appear before the said sheriff, on the premises, upon a certain
way to be by him limitted and appointed in said summons, which jury? upon their oath, to be by the
Sheriff to sum-
mon a jury, &c.