Passed 25th of
January, 1806.
An ACT to amend, and make conveniently passable, the public
road leading from the lands of Mrs. Dennison to the upper ferry in
the town of Havre-de-Grace, in Harford county.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That John Moores, doctor Elijah Davis and
Gilbert Jones, of Harford county, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, and they,
or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and empowered to view the public road leading from
the lower end of Mrs. Dennison's land to the upper ferry in Havre-de-Grace, and to alter, in their
discretion, the present location of the same, beginning at the lower end of Mrs. Dennison's land as
aforesaid, and thence to lay out the said road, and mark and bound the same, to the said ferry, in
such direction, and over such ground, as they in their judgments shall consider best and most bene-
ficial to the public; and provided, that the said road shall not be laid through the yard, garden or
orchard, of any individual, without his or her consent first had and obtained, and to return a plot
thereof, with a certificate of the courses, to the levy court of Harford county, to be recorded among
their proceedings, who, at their first court thereafter, are hereby authorised and empowered to levy
such sum as they shall conceive sufficient to open and clear said road so laid out as aforesaid, which
shall be levied and assessed, and paid, as other county charges, and to appoint an overseer to open
clear and amend, said road, which, when opened, cleared and amended, shall be thereafter a public
road, and shall be kept in repair as other public roads are kept in repair.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall be and they are hereby further au-
thorised and required to assess the damages sustained by any person or persons over whose land the
said road so as aforesaid to-be laid out may pass, taking into consideration all advantages and disad-
vantages attending the said road passing over their land as aforesaid, and to return a certificate of
such valuation of damages to the said levy court, which shall be levied, collected and paid, as other
county charges in said county.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners herein named shall be entitled to receive to
their services two dollars per diem, for every day they shall respectively attend to the discharge of the
duties required by this act.;
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act authorising a lottery to
raise a sum of money for repairing Shrewsbury church, in Kent
WHEREAS by an act of assembly which passed in the year eighteen hundred and three, ent-
itled, An act authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for repairing Shrewsbury church
in Kent county, certain commissioners therein named were authorised to propose a scheme of
lottery for raising a sum of money for the repairs of the parish church, the enclosure of the burial
ground, and payment of debts before contracted for the repairs of said church: And whereas it
represented to this general assembly, by the petition of the present vestrymen of Shrewsbury par-
rish, that the commissioners named in the said act consented to act, and complied with the provi-
sions of the said act; that they proceeded, at a considerable expence, to propose a scheme of a lot-
tery, to advertise the same, and to dispose of the tickets, but that in a short time thereafter two of
the commissioners appointed by the said act, to wit, Oliver Smith and Jacob Freeman, were attack-
ed with severe bodily infirmity, and have since died, and that one other of the said commissioners
to wit, George Yeates, removed from the county, and that another of the said commissioners, to
wit, James Salisbury, became a member of the methodist society, so that there now remains only
three of the original commissioners, to wit, William Briscoe, James Blakiston and Edward Wright,
members of the said church, who not constituting a majority of the said commissioners, are inca-
pable of conducting the business of said lottery, agreeably to the provisions of the original act, and
have prayed that a supplement to the said act may pass, revoking the appointments of the said
George Yeates and James Salisbury, and to fill up the vacancies occasioned by the deaths of the
said Oliver Smith and Jacob Freeman; which appearing reasonable to this general assembly, there-
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the appointment of the said George
Yeates, and of the said James Salisbury, two of the commissioners appointed in the original act of
which this is a supplement, be and the same are hereby vacated, and that Edward Eubanks, William