CHAP. 281.
see cause, to assess and levy on the assessable proper-
ty of said county, for the use of Mary Ann Kinds, a
lunatic, the sum of twenty-five dollars, payable to
Thomas Lynch, or his order; to Henry Newcomer, a
superannuated man, the sum of fifteen dollars, payable
to Jacob Beaver, or his order; and to Eliza McKin-
sey, the sum of fifteen dollars, payable to Hezekiah
Crout, or order.
Passed Mar. 29,
An act in open and lay out a Public Road in Frederick
and Carroll Counties.
to open
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That David Dudderar, of Frederick coun-
ty, Larkin Buckingham and Daniel Engle, of Car-
roll county, be, and they are hereby authorised to lay
out and open a road of sufficient width, to commence
at such point on the old Liberty road, as the commis-
sioners in their judgment may deem best; running
thence to Jacob Roop's mill, (on the south side;) from
thence up the race to the first bridge, to intersect the
road leading out from Aaron E. Cover's tan yard;
from thence to the old field north of Levin Gosnell's;
and from thence to intersect the Harrisville road, at
or near Beall Gosnell's dwelling, in Carroll county;
Return plat.
and that the commissioners shall make out two plats
of said road, and return them to the clerks of Freder-
ick and Carroll counties respectively, to be recorded
Public road
among the records of said counties; and the said road,
when so opened, shall be thereafter deemed a public
road forever and shall be kept in repair in the same
manner as other public roads in said counties.
Expenses ap-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the expense of sur-
veying and opening said road shall he paid by Freder-
ick and Carroll counties respectively, in manner fol-
lowing, that is to say, the expense of surveying and
Frederick co.
opening so much thereof as may pass through Freder-
ick county, shall be levied on and paid by Frederick
county; and in like, manner for that part that may
Carroll co.
pass through Carroll county; and the levy courts of