CHAP. 275.
Levy directed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
or levy court, of Kent and Queen Anne's counties, be,
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, at
their next annual levies, to levy upon the assessable
property of said counties, a sum of money not exceeding
twelve hundred dollars, exclusive of the commission
for collection, to be applied to the building or repair-
ing the bridge aforesaid, one half of which sum of mo-
ney shall be levied on the assessable property of Kent
county, and the other half on that of Queen Anne's
county, which said assessment shall be, made, levied,
collected and paid to the commissioners, or their order,
Case of neglect,
as soon as the same shall be collected, and in case the
collector of either of said counties; shall neglect or re-
fuse to pay the sum by him collected, to the said com-
missioners or their order, the said commissioners shall
have the same, remedy for the recovery of the same, as
is prescribed by law, for the speedy recovery of money
Bond required.
levied and collected by sheriffs and collectors; provided,
that before the said commissioners shall be entitled to
receive any money in virtue of this act, they shall enter
into bonds to the State of Maryland in the penalty of
double the amount of the whole sum hereby authorised
to be levied, for the faithful discharge of their duties
as commissioners, which said bonds shall be lodged
with the clerk of the county courts of each of said
counties, and may be sued as any public bonds now are,
and a certified copy of said bonds, under the seal of
either of the county court clerks aforesaid, shall be
evidence in any court of law or equity in this State.
Case of vacan-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in case of the death
or refusal to act, of any of the commissioners herein
named, the commissioner who shall have been appoint-
ed to act with him, may appoint some other person,
resident of the county in which he was a commissioner,
to act in his place, and the person so appointed shall
have the same powers and authorities as are vested in
the said commissioners by this act.
Accounts to be
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall render to the com-
missioners or levy court of said counties, respectively,
at their meetings next after the completion of said
bridge, a true, full and fair account of all the monies