dwelling and out-houses, and other necessary improve-
ments, and the remaining four thousand dollars to be
safely invested, and the imprest thereof to be implied,
to the education of little girls, as directed in the said
will, and for the purpose of more effectually promo-
ting the interests of the said institution, did. by her
said will, nominate and appoint the Reverend J. P. K.
Henshaw, the Reverend John Johns, Clotworthy Bir-
nie, senior, Roger Birnie, Washington Vanbibber and
George L. Vanbidder to be trustees, with full power
and authority to regulate and superintend the affairs
and interests of the said academy, with power to fill
any vacancies arising from death, refusal to act, re-
signation, or removal to a distance of any of the said
trustees: also, whereas, it is represented by the trus-
tees of the said academy, that the necessary buildings
have been erected according to the directions of the
said testatrix, and the said academy has been for some
years in successful operation, and that the benevolent
designs of the pious founder will be more effectually
secured by granting an act of incorporation: — There-
CHAP. 189.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Reverend J. P. K. Henshaw, D.
D., the Reverend John Johns, D. D., the Reverend
Charles C. Austin, Clotworthy Birnie, senior, Wash-
ington Vanbibber, and Franklin Anderson, the pre-
sent trustees of the said academy, and their successors,
to be chosen as hereinafter mentioned, shall be, and
are hereby created and declared to be a body politic
and corporate, by the name, style and title of "The
Persons incor-
Trustees of the Hannah More Academy;' and by the
same name shall have perpetual succession, and shall
be capable in law and equity to sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded in any court of law or equity in this
State or elsewhere, and to have a common seal, and to
perform all such acts, and make such by-laws, rules
and regulations, consistent with the laws of this State
and the intentions of the said testatrix, as declared in
her said last will and testament, as may appear to be
necessary or convenient for managing the concerns of
the said corporation, and for fully exercising and car-
rying into effect the powers granted by this act.
Corporate pow-