CHAP. 175.
Passed Mar. 17,
An act to authorise the condemnation of a piece of ground
at the Upper Ferry, in Somerset county.
to examine
and ascertain.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners of Somerset county
are hereby authorised and required to appoint three
commissioners, who shall be required to meet at the
place commonly called the Upper Ferry, on the Wi-
Empowered to
comico river, in Somerset county, to examine and de-
termine whether the public convenience does require
that a public landing should be established on the north
side of Wicomico river, at the Upper Ferry, and if in
their opinion the public convenience does require the
said landing to be established, then they or any two of
them shall lay out a quantity of land not exceeding one
acre, at or near the place above specified, in such a
manner as they or any two of them may think most
conducive to the public benefit, and the said commis-
sioners or any two of them, are hereby required to re-
Return plat.
turn a plat of said landing place to the clerk of Somer-
set county, there to be recorded, together with an esti-
mate of the damage sustained by any person or persons
whose land may be taken, laid out and appropriated as
Estimate of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
herein before required to be appointed to condemn and
locate said landing, are hereby required to return a
true estimate of the costs of such condemnation and lo-
cation of the aforesaid lot of ground or landing, to the
Levy directed.
commissioners of Somerset county, whose duty it shall
be to levy the same on the assessable property of Som-
erset county, at the first annual levy thereafter, to be
collected as other county levies are now collected and
paid to the person or persons entitled to receive the