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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 290   View pdf image
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CHAP. 303.

Duties of trus-

appointment or the appointment of their successors, agree-

ably to the requisitions of this act, and the act to which
this is a supplement; who, and their successors, shall ex-
ercise all the rights and perform all the duties required to
be performed by said act to which this is a supplement,
any act of forfeiture which may have been committed by
their predecessors, or the failure of the levy court, or com-
missioners of Baltimore county to appoint them, to the
contrary notwithstanding.


Passed Mar. 17,

An act to incorporate the Junior Fire Company of Frede-
rick City, in Frederick County.


WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly, that the members of the Junior Fire Company of
Frederick, have associated themselves for the purpose of
protecting the property in said city from fire, and have
adopted rules and regulations for the government of said
company; and in order to give effect to such rules and re-
gulations, and to promote the object of their association,
are desirous of obtaining an act of incorporation — there-

Individuals in-

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Ezra Houck, Samuel Duer, Ezra Da-
dysman, George F. Webster, William Yeacle, A. K.
Mantz, James Bartgis, John F. Rigney, W. Carlton, P.
Goodmanson, G. M. Conradt, junior, William A. Rig-
ney, and such others as now are, or hereafter may become
members of the Junior Fire Company of Frederick, shall
be and they are hereby declared to be one community,

Name and style.

corporation and body politic forever hereafter, by the name
and style of the Junior Fire Company of Frederick, for

May hold pro-

which purpose they are hereby made able and capable in
law, to have, purchase, receive and possess, enjoy and re-
tain, to them and their successors, lands, tenements, rents,
annuities and other hereditaments, and the same to grant,
demise, alien, or dispose of in such manner as they may
judge most conducive to the interest of the company;

Limit $10, 000.

provided nevertheless, that the corporation or body politic,
shall not at any time hold or possess property, real, per-
sonal or mixed, exceeding in value the sum of ten thou-
sand dollars.

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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 290   View pdf image
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