Barnes, Abraham Prough, Obadiah Buckingham, Joseph
Pool and Aaron Shipley, be appointed trustees for Wolf
Bottom academy in tie fourth election district of Carroll
county, and their successors to be appointed as hereinafter
directed, shall forever hereafter be, and they are hereby
declared to be one body politic and corporate, with perpe-
CHAP. 145.
tual succession in deed and in law, by the name and style
of Wolf 'Bottom Academy; by which name and style the
said trustees and their successors, shall be capable in law
and in equity to hold property, the value of which shall at
no time exceed three thousand dollars for the said aca-
Name and style.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if a vacancy occur in
the board of trustees, the same shall be filled by the re-
maining trustees until the next annual election of the
In case of va-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That on the first Monday
of January in every year, an election shall be held by the
qualified voters at the academy, and the trustees in power
shall annually ten day previous to the election, set up
three notices at the most public places in the neighbour-
hood, notifying the subscribers of the election for trus-
tees for said academy, which said election shall be by bal-
Election to be
lot and conducted as follows, to wit: every subscriber to
said institution shall be allowed one vote, and the seven
persons having a majority of the votes shall be declared
duly elected the trustees for the ensuing year; provided, no
person but a subscriber shall be a trustee.
How conducted.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the trustees for said
academy shall keep or cause to be kept a book for the
use and as the property of said corporation, in which shall
be duly entered and recorded all subscriptions to and for
the use of said corporate objects, and all other proceedings
of said corporation.
To keep book.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, Thai the said trustees and
their successors, or a majority of them, shall have full pow-
er and authority to make fundamental ordinances for the
government of the academy aforesaid, and the education
of youths, and to appoint such person or persons, as they
or a majority of them may think proper, to be a teacher or
teachers of the said academy.
General powers.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said trustees and
their successors, or a majority of them, shall meet at and
time appointed by their own body, in order to examine the
progress of the students and scholars, and to hear and de-
termine on all complaints and appeals, and all matters
To hold meet-
ings for exa-
minations, &c.