negroes as made and reported to the said court, be and the
same are hereby declared to be valid, and effectual to pass
the title to the respective purchasers
CHAP. 103.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That a copy of this act shall
be recorded among the proceedings of said court.
Copy of this
act to be re-
An act to authorize the commissioners of Cecil County to
levy a sum of money for paying a balance due Levi Ty-
son, jr. James McCauley and Benjamin Miller.
Passed Jan'y
17, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Cecil county be authorized and
empowered to levy and assess upon the assessable property
of said county the sum of one hundred and thirteen dollars
and thirty-six cents, to be paid to Levi Tyson, jr. James
McCauley and Benjamin Miller, commissioners, for building
a bridge over Little Elk creek, near Mackall's mill, it being
a balance due them for building said bridge.
ers to assess.
A supplement to an act passed at December session eighteen
hundred and forty, chapter one hundred and twenty -six.
Passed Jan.
9, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the provisions of the said original act, be and the same
are hereby extended to the first day of April eighteen hun-
dred and forty-four; provided, that the said Thomas Hook
shall not collect the said taxes from any person who shall
make affidavit before any Justice of the Peace of Carroll
county, that he or she has paid the amount of taxes so de-
manded by the said Thomas Hook.
Extended un-
til 1844.