sell, and transfer, any estate, real, personal and mixed, not
exceeding in the whole, the value of twenty thousand dol-
lars, at one time, and to make bye-laws, rules and regula-
tions for the government and perpetuation of the said so-
CHAP. 37.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall be so construed as to authorise this corpora-
tion to issue any device, token, note, certificate or other
evidence, of debt to be used as currency.
Issuing of
notes forbid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the right is hereby
expressly reserved to the General Assembly of Maryland,
at its pleasure, to alter or repeal this act of incorporation.
Rights reser-
An act to repeal the third section of the act entitled, An act to
make public a Road in Prince George's County.
Passed Jan.
30, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the third section of the act passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and forty, chapter one hundred and
forty three, entitled, an act to make public a road in Prince
George's county, be and the same is repealed.
An act to incorporate the La Fayette Hose Company of the
City of Baltimore.
Passed Jan.
24, 1842
WHEREAS it is represented to this General Assembly,
that the members of the La Fayette Hose Company of the
city of Baltimore, have provided themselves with a com-
plete and efficient apparatus for the extinguishment of fires,
and have adopted a constitution for the government of said
company, and in order to give effect to the laws, rules and
regulations which have been or may be established by the
said company, it has been prayed that an act of incorpora-
tion may pass in their favour: — therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Samuel Boyd, Charles Ingram, Thomas
Grifford, Stephen M'Coy, George Shock, I. W. Hall,
William Devere, William M'Kinley, Peter Carrouthers,