chap. 239.
two hundred and sixty-two and a half acres of land, more
or less, lying in Kent county, and called "Worton Manor, "
"Carola, " "Budd's Discovery, " "Locus Point" and "Corn-
wallis, " to John C. Edwards, Edward William Edwards,
Benjamin R. Edwards, Mary Elizabeth Edwards, Thomas
Henry Edwards, Ann Editha Edwards, Emory G. Ed-
wards, Owen C. Edwards and Samuel M. Edwards, chil-
dren and heirs at law of Emory Edwards, late of Kent
county, deceased; and whereas, at the time of the execution
of said deed, it was not known that the said Owen C. Ed-
wards, one of the minor grantees in the said deed of con-
veyance was deceased—therefore,
Deed made
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said deed of conveyance, be and the same is here-
by made as valid and effectual to all intents and purposes,
as if the said Owen C. Edwards had been living at the time of
the execution thereof, and that his heirs at law shall hold his
legal estate in the said lands, in the same manner as they
would hold the same, if the said deed had been executed
prior to his death.
Passed Feb
28, 1842.
An act to make valid a certain Deed therein mentioned.
Whereas, John O'Ferrall, by deed dated the nineteenth
day of August, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-se-
ven, and recorded among the land records of Washington
county, in Liber S. S., folio seven hundred and ninety-five
and seven hundred and ninety-six, conveyed to Richard Ca-
ton and William Woodville, in trust, the land in said deed
described; and whereas, although the wife of said O'Fer-
rall, on privy examination, duly acknowledged said deed to
the end that her dower in said land should be relinquished
to said Caton and Woodville, yet she omitted signing and
sealing said deed as required by law, to wit: by the third
section of the act passed at December session of the year
eighteen hundred and thirty, chapter one hundred and sixty-
four; and whereas, said Caton and Woodville have prayed
that said deed may be declared valid to every effect, as if
such omission had not occurred, and as if the execution of
said deed by the said wife having taken place, the same had
been duly acknowledged—now, therefore,
Deed made
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That said deed be and the same is hereby declared to be