An act to give Nicholas Gatch, Joseph Walker and Charles
Jessop, of Baltimore County, further time to make
their collections.
CHAP. 70.
Passed Feb. 16,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Nicholas Gatch, Joseph Walker and Charles Jessop,
of Baltimore county, be and they are hereby allowed the
further time of twelve months, from the passage of this
act, to complete their collections.
Time extended
12 months.
An act to incorporate the Jackson Beneficial Society of
Passed Feb. 15,
WHEREAS, William F. Read, Alexander I. W. Jackson,
Andrew A. Campbell, John Fossett, Richard Chapman,
John Peal, Abraham Sliver, Thomas McKinley, Thomas
A. Tailor, William Duff, Joshua Downs, David Jones,
Lawrence Frederick, James Mooney, Samuel Rust, Isaac
N. George, William Martin, Josiah Vesey, William Doyle,
John Ormsby, Levin Smith, Robert Gott, J. F. Winchell,
David Marion, Delaphine Grilling, George Wintkle, Eze-
kiel Langley, John Tilman, John Poulson, Thomas Thomp-
son, Patrick McKelley, Thomas Twigg, and others, of
the city of Baltimore, have formed themselves into a socie-
ty, under the name and style of the Jackson Beneficial So-
ciety of Baltimore, for the purpose of aiding and assisting
each other during periods of sickness of themselves or fa-
milies, or when overtaken by misfortune, and have peti-
tioned the General Assembly of Maryland, for an act of
incorporation — therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the aforesaid members of the said socie-
ty, as well as those who hereafter, according to the consti-
tution and by-laws of the said society, shall become mem-
bers of it, be and they are hereby created and made a cor-
Individuals in-
poration and body politic forever hereafter, by the name
and style of the Jackson Beneficial Society of Baltimore,
and by that name shall have succession, and be capable in
law of purchasing, holding and selling, both real and per-
sonal property, as other corporations may do by law; provi-
Name and style.
May hold pro-