CHAP. 57.
Repeal of in-
consistent acts.
the same, which is given by law for the recovery of other
county allowances.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all such acts, or parts of
acts of Assembly as are repugnant to, or in any way incon-
sistent with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb. 10,
An act to incorporate the Saint Vincent of Paul's Benevo-
lent Association of the City of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, the Most Reverend Samuel Eccleston, Arch-
bishop of Baltimore, the Reverend John B. Gildea, Frede-
rick Crey, Benedict I. Sanders, John D. Daniels, Patrick
McKen, John I. Gross, Charles Pendergast, John McCol-
gan, George C. Collins, John Fox, Daniel Coonan, James
Roach and James Fortune, all members of the Roman Ca-
tholic Church in the city of Baltimore, by their petition to
this General Assembly have set forth that they have asso-
ciated themselves for the purpose of erecting a building to
be used as an asylum for male orphan children, without dis-
tinction of denomination, and that with the assistance of
other charitable persons they have been enabled to accom-
plish their object, and that they are now desirous of being
incorporated — therefore,
Individuals in-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Most Reverend Samuel Eccleston,
Archbishop of Baltimore, the Reverend John B. Gildea,
Frederick Crey, Benedict I. Sanders, John D. Daniels, Pa-
trick McKen, John I. Gross, Charles Pendergast, John
McColgan, George C. Collins, John Fox, Daniel Coonan,
James Roach and James Fortune, and their successors to
be appointed in manner as is herein provided, be and they
arc hereby created and made a body corporate for the pur-
Name and style.
Legal capacity.
poses herein mentioned, by the name and style of the Saint
Vincent of Paul's Benevolent Association, and by that name
shall have succession, and be capable in law to sue and be
sued, to adopt and have a corporate seal; to take, hold, sell
and transfer any estate, real, personal or mixed, in any man-
Limit of pro-
Make by-laws.
ner, provided, the whole of said estate so held at any one
time shall not exceed the annual value of ten thousand dol-
lars; and to make by-laws, rules and regulations for the go-
vernment of the said association.