CHAP. 23.
Correction to be
made if required.
levy courts and commissioners in the several counties, and
in Howard district, and to the said appeal tax court, to be
preserved by them; and the said levy courts and commis-
sioners at their regular meetings to be held for the, purpose
of assessing the public charges in the year eighteen hun-
dred and forty-two, shall review the valuations so as afore-
said made to and adjusted by them, and correct the same if
need be, in conformity with the opinions which may be ex-
pressed by the Court of Appeals; and it shall likewise be
the duty of the appeal tax court, previous to the levy for
the year eighteen hundred and forty-two being made by the
mayor and city council of Baltimore, to review and cor-
rect, if necessary, the valuations as aforesaid made in con-
formity with the opinions which may be expressed by the
Court of Appeals, and report the same to the mayor and
city council.
Cost of prose-
cuting appeals:
how defrayed.
SEC. 35. And be it enacted, That the costs of sending
up the transcript of valuations on any appeal as aforesaid
shall be defrayed by the respective counties, or by the city
of Baltimore; and that all other costs incurred in the Court
of Appeals, on said appeals, excepting legal or other fees to
the attornies or counsel for the appellants on appeals taken
by individuals, or for the appellees on any appeal taken by
the State, shall be paid, upon the requisition of the Gover-
nor, out of any unappropiated money in the treasury.
If correction be
made, clerk to
make another
summary ac-
count, &c.
SEC. 36. And be it enacted, That if in consequence of
the opinions expressed by the Court of Appeals, any cor-
rection shall be made in the valuation of properly in any
county, or Howard district, or the city of Baltimore, the
proper clerk shall, as soon as practicable after such correc-
tions shall have been made, prepare one other corrected
summary account or list, is columns, in which shall be
clearly and distinctly expressed the estates and property
of every sort and description whatsoever, and the value
thereof affixed to them, respectively, and the whole value
in each district extended, and the amount of each column;
and shall lay the same before the levy court or commission-
ers, as the case may be, who shall, after examination and
correction thereof, sign and enclose the same, endorsed on
public service, to the Treasurer for the Western or Eastern
Shore, as the case may be; and the appeal tax court shall
likewise perform the same duties, and in like manner sign
and enclose the same.
Registers Land
Offices to report
certificates rea-
dy for patents.
SEC. 37. And be it enacted, That the Register of the
Land Offices on the Western and Eastern Shores respec-
tively, shall annually hereafter, between the first day of Ja-