erty) Property corner; thence on an extension of said line
still in an easterly direction to the center line of the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad; thence along the center line of
said railroad in a southeasterly direction to the dividing
line between the properties of Vaudia B. Edmonston and
Robert A. Pugh; thence along said line in a northeasterly
direction to the easterly line of the Pugh Property; thence
along said line in a southerly direction to intersect a line
two hundred feet north of and parallel to the north
line of the Halpine Road; thence in a northeasterly direc-
tion and two hundred feet north of and parallel to the
north line of said road to intersect the easterly property
line of Twin-Brook Inc.; thence along said easterly line
and the line of R. L. McKeever in a northerly direction
to the center of Veirs Mill Road; thence still on an exten-
sion of said line between Twin-Brook, and R. L. McKeever
to intersect a line two hundred and fifty feet distant from
and parallel to the center line of Veirs Mill Road (This
point being on the property of the heirs of John Merritt);
thence in a northwesterly direction and two hundred and
fifty feet distant from and parallel to said center line of
Veirs Mill Road to a point on the westerly side of Cedar
Lane; thence along the westerly line thereof in a north-
westerly direction four hundred feet; thence still crossing
the properties of the heirs of John Merritt in a north-
westerly direction to the southeast corner of St. Mary's
Cemetery; thence along the southerly line of said Cemetery
Property in a westerly direction to the dividing line be-
tween the properties of M. L. Reese and Sophie Tayloe
Stansbury; thence along said dividing line in a northerly
direction to the center of the Rockville-Baltimore Road;
thence along an extension of said line still in a northerly
direction three hundred (300. 00) feet to a point in the
James A. Lyon's Farm; thence crossing the Lyon's and
Lofstrand Companies Properties in a northwesterly di-
rection to the northeast corner of the Mary Horner Heirs
Tract near the center of the Road leading thru the Christ
Child Farm to the Lofstrand and McKee Farms; thence
along the dividing line between the Horner Property and
the Lofstrand Property in a northwesterly direction to the
westerly line of Horners Lane; thence along the westerly
line of said lane in a northerly direction to a point where
the north line of Lincoln Park Sub-division extended would
intersect said westerly line of Horners Lane; thence along
the north line of Lincoln Park and the extension of said
line in a westerly direction to the easterly side of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; thence on an extension of
said line still in a westerly direction to a point on the