NO. 8
(Senate Joint Resolution 6)
Joint Resolution requesting the Board of Public Works to
pay out of the contingent fund appropriated to said Board
in the State Budget for the years Nineteen Hundred and
Forty-nine, (1949) to Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-one
(1951), the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1, 000. 00) to
George E. Rullman and Louis M. Strauss for services to the
State of Maryland as counsel for thirty-four (34) inmates
of the House of Correction.
WHEREAS, during the month of June, Nineteen Hundred and
Forty-five (1945) the inmates of the House of Correction, at
Jessups, Anne Arundel County, incited a riot, assaulted State
employees, destroyed State property, as a result of which
thirty-seven (37) inmates were presented and indicted by the
Grand Jury of Anne Arundel County; and
WHEREAS, the Honorable Judge James Boylan and the
Honorable Judge James Clark, Judges of the Fifth Judicial
Circuit of the State of Maryland, after conferring with the
State's Attorney for Anne Arundel County, and officials of
the State of Maryland and Anne Arundel County determined it
would be to the best interest of Justice and to the interest of
the taxpayers of Anne Arundel County and the State of Mary-
land to appoint Counsel to represent thirty-four (34) of said
indicted inmates at their trials in the Circuit Court for Anne
Arundel County, who were without Counsel, in order to ex-
pedite their trials and save court costs, time and the necessity
of having many State Police, House of Correction Guards and
State employees away from their duties for long periods of
time during the trials of the said cases, did secure and appoint
George E. Rullman and Louis M. Strauss, members of the
Bar of Anne Arundel County as Counsel to represent thirty-
four (34) of said inmates so indicted; and
WHEREAS, the said George E. Rullman and Louis M. Strauss,
after conferences with Officials of the State of Maryland, and
Anne Arundel County and conferences with the Court, pre-
pared the cases of said thirty-four (34) indicted persons, in-
dividually, over a period of ten days, appeared in Court for
arrangement, and trial, for motions for new trials, and for
conferences as to Habeas Corpus proceedings, and proceedings
originating from and in the Court of Appeals of Maryland for
five (5) additional days, all to the great savings of expense
to the State of Maryland and to Anne Arundel County; and