approximately one hundred and seventy-five feet, from
Robert M. Marshall and Margaret M. Marshall, his wife,
of Prince George's County, Maryland, and Priscilla A. Dare
of Baltimore City, Maryland, to The First Baptist Church
of High Ridge in Howard County, a body corporate of the
State of Maryland, by deed dated March llth, 1944, and
recorded among the Land Records of Howard County in
Liber B. M., Jr. No. 181, folio 115 &c.
39. To the devise contained in the Last Will and Testa-
ment of William C. Hardy, late of Charles County, deceased,
which said Will was duly probated by the Orphans' Court
for Charles County, on January 21st, 1930, and recorded
in the office of the Register of Wills for Charles County
aforesaid in Wills Liber G. A. W. No. 21, folio 19 etc.; to
The Vestry of Port Tobacco Parish, a Corporation, one of
the Vestries of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the
State of Maryland, and within the Diocese of Washington;
the remainder interest in a lot, tract or parcel of land com-
monly called and known as "Harvin's Enlargement," located
near Piney Chapel, in said Charles County, containing, by
estimation, one hundred and thirty (130) acres, more or
40. To deed conveying Lots 83, 90, 93, 100, and 102 in
Mountain Lake Park from the Woman's Division of Chris-
tian Service of the Board of Missions and Church Exten-
sion of the Methodist Church to Stanley Ashby, Thomas
Kimmel, Thomas E. Schaeffer, Leon S. Ford and Charles
L. Thompson, Trustees of the Mountain Lake Park Holiness
Campmeeting Association of Mountain Lake Park, Garrett
County, Maryland, dated March 13, 1944, and recorded in
Liber A. G. R. No. 133, folio 2, one of the Land Records of
Garrett County, Maryland.
41. To deed conveying certain lots in Mountain Lake
Park from Mountain Lake Park Association of Garrett
County to Stanley Ashby, Thomas Kimmel, Thomas E.
Schaeffer, Leon S. Ford and Charles L. Thompson, Trustees
of the Mountain Lake Park Holiness Campmeeting Associa-
tion of Mountain Lake Park, Garrett County, Maryland,
dated July 10, 1942, and recorded in Liber A. G. R, No. 129,
folio 119, one of the Land Records of Garrett County, Mary-
42. To deed from William H. Siems, et al, to Calvary
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hamilton, Inc., dated May
13, 1943, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber M. L. P. No. 6457, folio 349 &c.