as to increase the salaries of the Judges of the Court of Ap-
peals, of the Circuit Courts of the Counties and of the Su-
preme Bench of Baltimore City, and to provide for the ad-
ditional salaries for Judges of the Supreme Bench paid
by Baltimore City.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 47 of Article 26 of the Annotated Code
of Maryland (Edition of 1939), title "Courts", sub-title "Sala-
ries of Judges'', as said section was enacted by Chapter 235
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1927, be
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, so as to read as follows:
47. The salary of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals
shall be fourteen thousand five hundred dollars per annum;
the salary of each of the other judges of the Court of Appeals
shall be thirteen thousand five hundred dollars per annum;
the salary of each of the several judges of the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City and of each of the judges of the Circuit
Courts of the first seven Judicial Circuits shall be nine thou-
sand five hundred dollars per annum; all salaries herein pro-
vided for shall be payable monthly.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That as soon as the
State begins the payment of salaries under this Act, the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall be entitled to de-
duct from its appropriations for salaries for the judges of the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City for the year 1945 an amount
for each such salary not exceeding the amount for which it
will no longer receive reimbursement from the State; but
nothing herein shall be construed to limit the amounts which
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may decide to pay
judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City under the
authority, granted by Article 4, Section 31A of the Constitu-
tion of Maryland.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after July 1, 1946.
Approved April 27, 1945.
(House Bill 457)
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and Council of
Salisbury to borrow upon the faith and credit of Salisbury
a sum or sums of money not exceeding Four Hundred Thou-