to make a Turnpike road beginning for the centre
of said avenue at a point on the northwest side of
North Avenue between Madison Lane and Jones'
Falls, thence through the intervening lands to the
northwest side of Newington lane at the point
where the division line between Lloyd N. Rogers
and Mrs. Croft, intersects said lane, thence with
said division line to the end thereof, thence through
said Rogers' land to the land owned by Mrs.
Thomas R. Matthews, or if said company shall
elect they may go to a point on said Newington
lane distant thereon thirty feet from the south side
of a road already opened, and thence by a line at
right angles to said Newington lane through the
intervening land to the division line between the
land of Lloyd N. Rogers, and the land formerly
owned by Francis Hilberg, thence by the shortest
practicable route to the land of Mrs. Thos. R. Mat-
thews aforesaid, thence through said Matthews land
to C. R. Keyworth's land, thence through said land
to F. Myers' land, thence through his land to John
Greacens land, thence through his land to the land
lately belonging to the heirs of Adam Welch,
thence through said land to the land of Edwin H.
Harvey, thence through his land to John Fattle's
land, thence through his land to the dividing line
between him and Kitty Hook, thence with said
line to the division line, between Thomas Hook
and Ellen Burk, thence with said line and through
Hook's land to the Pimblico lands, thence through
said lands to William Taylor's land, thence through
Taylor's land to Artemus Schofield's land, thence
said land to Mrs. Rebecca Smiths land, thence
through her land to the dividing line between her
land and A. C. Schaefer's land, thence through
said A. C. Schaefer's land to the Pimlico road,
thence along said road to the Pimlico church or
Meeting House and thence through the interven-
ing lands until it intersects the county road from
Brooklandville to Green Spring by such route as
said company may designate.
CHAP. 164.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the subscription
books be opened in the city of Baltimore under the
direction of Horatio N. Gambrill, Adolphus C.
Schaefer, Thomas H. Moore, J. Lester Turner,
William E. Hooper, Robert M. Dennison, George
R. Milligan, for a capital stock of forty thousand
dollars in shares of one hundred dollars each, and
the persons above named are hereby appointed com-
tions, capital
stock, &c.