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and seizure, shall sell the same to the highest bid-
der for cash after ten days notice.
Right of ap-
SEC. 9. If any person so convicted shall think
himself aggrieved by such conviction, he shall be
at liberty to appeal from the judgment of the jus-
tice of the peace within ten days from the rendi-
tion thereof to the Circuit court for the county
wherein the offence is alledged to have been com-
mitted; Provided, he give bond to the State, with two
sufficient securities, to be approved by the said jus-
tice, in a penal sum of double the amount in value
of the boat or craft, and property so seized and the
fines imposed, to be estimated by the said justice
conditioned to prosecute his appeal to the Circuit
court, and it shall be the duty of the justice tak-
ing the appeal bond immediately to deliver the
same to the officer who made the arrest, and in
case of forfeiture of the bond, the said officer may
prosecute the same for his use and the use of those
engaged with him in making the arrest and sei-
SEC. 10. If resistance be made to the officer en-
gaged in making such arrest or seizure, such re-
sistance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, presenta-
ble by the grand jury of the county, and punisha-
ble in the Circuit court thereof by fine and impri-
sonment as other misdemeanors are punished.
SEC. 11. After the payment of the costs of the
prosecution of the offenders, the balance arising
from the fine and the sale of the boat and other
property hereinbefore mentioned shall be divided
and apportioned in the following manner, one-half
to the officer and those who assisted him in making
the arrest and seizure and the balance to be paid
over to the commissioners of the county for the
benefit of the school fund of the county.
SEC. 12. No person shall at any time shoot at
or shoot any water fowl flying about their feeding
grounds or elsewhere over the waters aforesaid, from
vessel, boat, float, canoe or craft of any kind con-
trary to the provisions of this act; reserving never-
theless to any citizen of any counties bordering on
the waters aforesaid, and to whomsoever they may
extend the privilege, the right to shoot from boats
other than sink boats or sneak boats.
In force.
SEC. 13. And Be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after its passage.