Completion of Women's
Dormitories ................................ 180,000
Total ........................................................
Psychiatric Institute for Univer-
sity of Maryland Hospital , , $1,000,000
Nurses Home ................................ 200,000
Total ........................................................
Princess Anne :
Complete Dining Hall .................. $ 65,000
Men's Dormitory .......................... 200,000
Dairy, Beef, Cattle and Sheep
Barns .......................................... 40,000
Athletic Field ................................ 15,000
Engineering, Mechanical Arts
and Agricultural Building ...... 270,000
Heating Plant and Utility Lines.. 140,000
Sewage Disposal ............................ 60,000
Completion of Faculty Apart-
ment House Bldg........................ 75,000
Total ........................................................
$ 865,000
Crisfield Seafoods Technological
Laboratory Completion ............ $ 60,000
Salisbury Sub-Stat, Truck Crops,
small fruits and Poultry
Extension and Research .......... 100,000
Southern Maryland Tobacco Farm,
Curing and other Barns and
Equipment and Research 30,000
Howard County Sub-station,
Livestock Extension and
Research .................................... 44,500
Total ........................................................
$ 234,500
University of Maryland Total ..............
Board of Public Works:
[Improvement to Public Buildings, etc.]
Miscellaneous buildings, equip-
ment, renovation and repairs ...... $250,000
Sandy Point Bayside Park
Development .................................. 250,000
State House and Court of Appeals
Building Renovation .................... 675,702
Total of Board of Public Works ..........
$ 1,175,702
GRAND TOTAL ........................
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 7 of
Chapter 277 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1949,
be and the same is hereby repealed, and that a new Section