poration, consisting of the Quincy United Brethren Orphan-
age, Inc., and Quincy Old Peoples' Home, Inc.), $1,272.00;
(b) Third United Brethren Church, Inc., $635.99.
52. To the bequests of Miss Agnes J. Matlack, in Will
recorded in Liber H. G. G., No. 33, Folio 420, in the Register
of Wills office of Montgomery County;
(a) $2301.52 to Mission of the Immaculate Vir-
gin for the Protection of Homeless and Destitute Children
of New York City, New York.
(b) $2301.52 to the Little Sisters of the Poor, a
Maryland corporation, of Washington, D. C.
(e) $2301.53 to Archbishop Michael J. Curley,
of Baltimore.
53. To bequest of Mollie E. Hopkins to the Trustees of
the Methodist Episcopal, now known as Epworth Methodist
Church at Centreville, in Queen Anne's County, Maryland, a
body corporate, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, for the
purpose of helping said body corporate to purchase a new
organ, in Will recorded in N. S. D., No. 1, Folio 188, of
Queen Anne's County.
54. To bequest of Minnie A. West, to the Methodist Epis-
copal Church at Centreville in Queen Anne's County, a body
corporate, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, in Will record-
ed N. S. D., No. 1, Folio 216, of Queen Anne's County.
55. To the following bequests as contained in the Last
Will and Testament of Ernest A. Lawrence, late of Fred-
erick County, Maryland, and recorded in Liber C. H. B. 1,
Folio 341, one of the Record Books of Wills in the office of
the Register of Wills of Frederick County, viz :
(a) To a bequest of one fourth of the residue of
said estate, unto St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys, of
Baltimore City, Maryland;
(b) To a bequest of one fourth of the residue of
said estate, unto The Associated Professors of St. Mary's
Seminary, of Baltimore City, Maryland;
(e) To a bequest of one fourth of the residue of
said estate, unto the Providential House of the Little Sisters
of the Poor, Preston and Valley Streets, Baltimore City,