license shall be revoked for a period of one year. If any
licensee shall wilfully violate the regulations duly issued
and promulgated by the Board said Board may, after
proper hearing, revoke the license for a period of one year.
In case any licensee is convicted of the violation of the
terms of this Act, the Court shall immediately declare his
license revoked and notify the Board accordingly. Any
licensee who shall sell, or permit the sale of any alcoholic
beverages not authorized under the terms of this Act on his
premises, or in connection with his business or otherwise,
shall, upon conviction, forfeit his license and shall, in addi-
tion thereto, be punished by a fine not exceeding One Thou-
sand Dollars ($1, 000), or by imprisonment in jail for one
year, or both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the
Court. Any person, firm, corporation or association who
shall sell, or offer for sale, brewed, fermented or distilled
alcoholic beverages in Harford County, except as permitted
under the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subjected
to the penalties heretofore prescribed in this Section. If
any alcoholic beverages not authorized under the terms of
this sub-title are found in the building in which a licensee
exercises the privileges granted under said license or in a
residence of the licensee adjacent thereto then the said
Liquor Control Board, in its discretion, and after a public
hearing, may revoke or suspend the license of such licensee.
It shall be unlawful for any person, under twenty-one
(21) years of age, to misrepresent his or her age for the
purpose of obtaining beer or light wine from a licensee, or
for any person to misrepresent the age of a minor for the
purpose of obtaining beer or light wine for said minor from
, a licensee and, upon conviction by a Court of competent
jurisdiction, any person so doing shall be fined not less than
Ten Dollars ($10. 00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars
< $100. 00) in the discretion of the Court.
421N. The net proceeds of all funds received by the
Board from the sale of licenses under the provisions of this
Act issued in Harford County, outside of the corporate
limits of the municipalities of Aberdeen, Bel Air and Havre
de Grace, shall be paid to the Treasurer of Harford County
and credited to the "Contingent Fund" of said County.
The net proceeds of the funds derived from the sale of
licenses within the corporate limits of the municipalities of
Aberdeen, Bel Air and Havre de Grace, after the deduction
of a proportionate part of the expenses incident to the
proper administration and enforcement of this Act, shall be
paid by said Board to the Treasurers of said respective